Shop-Vac is my favorite tool for getting chores done inside and outside of the house. I will explain the many uses for a Shop-Vac that will make more of your household chores easier and quicker to finish.
Insane Uses for Your Shop-Vac
Here is some chores that you can do quick and easy with your Shop-Vac.
Refrigerator and Freezer: I don’t know about you but cleaning the inside of my refrigerator is not my favorite chore. I found the easiest way to accomplish cleaning the inside of your refrigerator is to use a squirt bottle with a little bleach and dish soap add warm water.
Spray your solution all over the inside of your refrigerator,allow to soak for a few minutes. Use brush attachment to remove hard to remove food.
Vacuum the whole inside of refrigerator. Switch to narrow attachment as needed. Soak the inside of drawers than suck out with your Shop-Vac.
Clean Gutters: If your gutters are full of mud,leaves and weeds. You can use your Shop-Vac to unclog your gutters. Just remove weeds and mud with a little hand shovel. You can either vacuum out the gutter or you can use the blower end of your Shop-Vac.
Sliding Shower Door Tracks: How to clean the sliding shower door tracks? Lots of black looking mold likes to grow in the tracks. Get your tracks looking brand new. Spray some apple cider vinegar directly on tracks than sprinkle some baking soda up and down the tracks. You will notice the solution on the tracks fizzing allow to fizz until it stops to fizz.
Use the brush attachment on Shop-Vac Scrub and vacuum track. Spray Vinegar as needed. Repeat if if necessary!
Toilet Tank: If your toilet keeps running and you have been putting bleach tablets or any other products with bleach in them stop. Never put anything with bleach inside your toilet tank. Lift plunger up drain water. Use an old rag to clean the pipe the plunger goes over and wipe the plunger where it seals to the pipe.
If you have mold in your toilet you can pore a cup of vinegar in your toilet tank let soak for a while than pull plunger.
If you have tablet DE-bree in your toilet tank use Shop-Vac to suck out whatever DE-bree left in the tank.