The Reasons Your Hand Held Device Loses it's Charge so Fast

English: Chargepod is a 6-way charging device ... 

How to Extend the Life to Any Cell-Phone Battery

Does your cell-phone or hand held devices lose their charge sooner than it did when it was new?

If so,their is several reasons why?  Most Hand held gadgets have a battery that has a memory.  The memory chip is the key to the amount of time uses you have with your cell-phones and other hand held device.

Learn why it is so important to read and follow your manufacture instructions.

If you don't follow the manufacture instructions.  Your batteries will only charge for the amount of time you allowed.  If you only allowed your hand held device to charge for an hour.

Your hand held device will only hold a charge for an hour.  That is why?  It is so important to charge your gadget  to the manufactures recommended time.

So that your cell-phone will hold a charge to the batteries full capacity.

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