Why breed red worms or purchase red worms for your garden when you can make a simple red worm and a night crawler tower? See (video) of how simple it is to keep and attract red worms and night crawlers.
Red worms supply your garden soil with nutrition with minimal cost and hardly no effort while helping the environment and reduce trash that will otherwise be wasted at trash dumps.
If you're tired of hauling compost to your garden or tiling and raking the compost in the ground your in luck. You're probably thinking this is another article on red worm farming. Nope!
We all know that worms are essential for gardening, all types of gardening. Especially Red Worms they produce the best casting for your garden soil. The compost gets costly when you have to purchase compost and casting from red worm farmers. Red worms put out the most castings and the most nutrition in the soil more than any other worms.
You could make your own compost but that takes time and energy. You could raise your own red worms that would save a lot of money, but raising your own red worms takes time. Red worms need care to ensure that the red worms stay healthy and happy so that they breed.
Then once you have done all that your investment of your time and money just might wiggles right out of your garden.
So you're probably wondering well how can I ensure my investment in my garden just doesn't wiggle away to someone else garden?
Just like any other critter when the food runs out they move on so it's your job to give your red worms and night crawlers a steady supply of food.
You're probably wondering how you can be sure your red worms stay in your garden. It's simple to make a worm tower.
Things You'll Need
Pipe 3X8" or bigger
Shovel or Post hole digger
Red Worms (optional)
1) Dig a hole in your garden about 2 feet down.
2) Drill several holes all around the bottom of the pipe you intend to put in the ground. Holes should be about a half inch around in diameter.
3) Place the pipe in the hole.
4) Cover the pipe with dirt making sure the pipe is secure.
5) Add your food scraps to your newly built worm tower
6) Add red worms (optional) but suggested because red worms produce the most and best casting for your garden soil.
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