Find out the best way to decide if breast augmentation is for you. Learn the risks before you decide to get breast implants. Understand the reality of cosmetic surgery.
Breast augmentation also known as augmentation mammaplasty is a serious operation and there have been always risks with surgery. Learn from other women who have had breast augmentation. Find out who did their breast implants. Get tips on how to research any physician
Before you decide to get breast augmentation you better do your homework because there are a lot of risk involved. You should look at the big picture! Sometimes we make decisions based on the glamour instead of the real facts. Below are some of the complications you may have to face after breast augmentation or during the surgical procedure.
· Reaction to Anesthesia
· Asymmetry
· Capsular Contractile (hardening of scar tissue around implant)
· Deflation over time (approximately 7%)
· Displacement
· Implant leak
· Infection (always involves removal of implant)]
· Interference with mammography
· Keloid (heavy scar)
· Nerve Damage
· Permanent numbness (risk is 15%)
· Rippling
· Rupture of the implant
· Swelling
· Symmastia (breasts merge into one mass)
· Visible scars
Here are some suggestions to make a real informed decision about breast augmentation.
Go to a strip club! That is the best place to see for yourself if you really want to get breast implants. Lots of the ladies in those clubs have implants. You will see that some of the ladies have great and natural looking breast and some look unnatural. You will see a variety of sizes and shapes.
Some breast will look obviously fake, especially overly large breast that don't match the body. Breast that protrude too much of the rib area making them look unnatural or breast that appear too close together. Pay close attention to the nipple area. If you want a natural looking breast and nipple size does matter.
The larger the implant the least likely your breast will feel and look natural. In the larger implants the nipples do not appear natural. In some cases the nipple appears to be faded and stretched while looking deformed.
If you decide to go to a strip club you might want to bring a male companion along because some strip clubs will not allow women customers without a male escort. The girls in most cases are very nice and they will be very happy to answer your questions about breast augmentation. If you like any of the ladies breast implantation's ask who their doctor was and how long have they had their breast implants. (Take Notes)
After you have gotten the names and recommendations of doctors from the girls. It's time to do some research on each of the doctors.
Google or Bing the doctors' full names. See what comes up in your search. Go on review sites such as Angies List.
How to Find Disciplinary Action Against Doctors
This site has some resources for looking up law-suits, malpractice and plenty of great recommendations of how to research any physician that you may be visiting in the near future.
Angies List Reviews
Certified data collection process prevents doctors from reporting on themselves or rating each other.