Better Features and Search Choices Google No Longer
your earnings and traffic increasing each time you added more articles
to your Hubpage domain and other content sites? Have you noticed no
matter where you write your content does not get the traffic and
earnings it once did? Are your articles with great content and photo
illustrations below content with poor grammar and spelling with no
thought put into them above your content?
Adsense Earnings Decrease
This is my theory of why Adsense earnings are steadily going down?
- Plugins to block ads. Which block Google ads. Not just pop-up ads.
- I notice every time Google needs to advertise the cost per click are just pennies and Google Adsense out number paying advertisers.
- Adsense ads advertising adword appear on unrelated topics. Ads like "Get $75 worth of advertising for free."on a blog or article about animals.
- Ads and videos put directly on top of the search result instead of quality content.
- Question and Answer sites on top of first page results with really bad questions and very poor spelling in grammar.
- Forums that appear to be abandoned with old posts.
Traffic Falling Every Year
Reason traffic is falling.
- Too many topics are overly saturated.
- Too much competition.
- More and more sites want proof of your qualifications on the subjects you write.
- Constantly always having to update posts. The more blogs, articles and websites you have the harder it is to keep them updated.
- You constantly have to be active in the communities you write for, otherwise you don't get comments and feedback for your writing. Google looks at comments the same way they do links to your content.
- Always guessing what keywords to use in your content.
- Google doesn't show introductions or description of your content to search result. Instead Google grabs random content from your articles. So views and researchers don't really know whats on your articles or what its really about or answers their question.
Bing vs Google You Take the Challenge

I took the challenge I picked Bing 4 times out of 5 over Google search result and 1 a drawl.
Bing Has Great Features
never really gave Bing a chance. I have done some searches in the past.
Even then I thought Bing was more visual with better photos and
illustration than Google but I went back to Google.
Google has put advertisers and videos above content. Google has also put out of date forum post first.
Question site first with terrible question with poor spelling and grammar above quality articles and websites.
Google is just too hard to please!
Pushing quality content backward in search results while putting paid advertising on top of the search.
Google has put advertisers and videos above content. Google has also put out of date forum post first.
Question site first with terrible question with poor spelling and grammar above quality articles and websites.
Google is just too hard to please!
Pushing quality content backward in search results while putting paid advertising on top of the search.