The barbecue grill that will do everything! This is the best of the best homemade cookers it will out perform any high dollar outdoor cooker. The benefits are that it’s cheap to make. In addition, you will be recycling. This outdoor grill you can barbecue. You can use it as a smoker and a warmer. You can use charcoal or wood to fuel it. You can cook lunch and dinner at the same time with your homemade cooker.
Hopefully you have an old dryer lying around or know someone that
does. Look inside the dryer to see if there are holes in the tumbler.
If not that is OK! You will need a drill. Drill many holes about an
inch a part. (Inside Tumbler)Look at the back of the dryer. You will see at the bottom there is a panel with four screws. Unscrew the four screws. You will then see the motor. Remove the motor. Leave the panel and the motor at the Recycle Center/Junk Yard.
Now you have to decide where you are going to put your barbecue grill. First, you need to put the dryer in a safe place. Then build a fire underneath the dryer. This is to burn the wires and plastic that is inside the body of the dryer. Get the fire to burn as hot as you can get it.
Now that you have, the dryer all burned out and all the insulation burned off the wires. You can place the dryer in the location that suites you. You will need bricks for the back of the dryer. The bricks must be at least 18" from the ground. Behind the dryer, it should look like a square fire pit. You can make it any size you like as long as you can put nice size longs inside the square fire pit. Then you will need a grill out of an old oven. Lay the grill on top of the bricks in the back of the dryer after you build your fire. Now you are ready to cook. Just like any other grill.
The Benefits of Your Homemade Outdoor Grill
You can cook two meals at the same time. Let’s say you’re having some friends and family over for Thanksgiving and they are staying overnight. You have to feed your company both days so get your hamburgers and chicken ready to cook. I use logs to fuel my fire logs are free and they last all night. Build your fire let your fire burn for a while. When you think your fire is ready put your grill over the bricks then put your hamburgers and chicken on your grill. Get your turkey ready to put in your smoker. Set your turkey inside the dryer. As your cooking your chicken and your hamburgers if your getting hot coals slide grill away from the back of the dryer just far enough to where you can push the coals under the dryer.
Put your bake beans on the grill and bake potatoes and whatever else your cooking on the grill until cooked. After anything gets cooked you can put whatever that is cooked on top of the dryer. This will keep your food warm and the flies off.
As your chicken and your hamburgers get done put in a square pan and put them on top of the dryer. Keep adding the coal under the dryer so that the turkey will get smoked.
When your finish cooking your hamburgers and chicken. Move your coal as far under the grill as you can get them. If need be make some more fire. Remember you want the wood/coal to smolder all night. Cover the grill and the whole fire pit with some tin. That way the heat and smoke has no other choice but to go in the dryer. Don’t worry if it rains in the middle of the night. As long as you have a good base fire you have no worries.
When you get up the next morning check your fire see if it’s hot enough if not remove grill and tin and rake all the rest of the hot coals under the dryer. Add more logs and build anther fire.
Best of all your kitchen stays clean with your homemade cooker it make a great conversation peace. You company will more then likely stay outside most of the time so you house will stay clean. You outdoor cooker is great for keeping the flies and mosquitoes away and your homemade grill will last many years.