I began to think I was crazy! My life was changing and I had no control. I tried talking about my panic attacks with friends and family and they just blew me off, so I did my best to cope.
The panic attacks progressed while getting worse. I started feeling uncomfortable around people so I started to isolate making excuses not to spend time with my friends. I avoided phone calls from friends and family.
I started drinking this helped with some of the symptoms, but then my drinking progressed then got out of control. I made everyone around me angry because of my drinking.
I started calling in sick for work because that indescribable feeling would just overwhelm me. Pretty soon I lost my job.
Convincing myself to go grocery shopping was a nightmare. I would go in the grocery store and everything seemed to close in on me. My heart would pound so hard, I thought it was going to burst.
I would start to feel dizzy to the point I wanted to pass-out. I would have to leave the basket. Go out to the car and calm myself down and try to finish shopping.
Pretty soon it got to were I couldn't drive or leave the house. Nothing I tried worked the panic attacks just kept getting worse.
How I Stopped the Panic Attacks and Anxiety Attacks
I spent a lot of time alone. I started to notice the way I was thinking and how negative my thoughts were and how it was effecting me.
Since I wasn't working I could not afford no more doctors and no more medication. That alone was enough to make me crazy but I also noticed since I was off all that medicine I could think more clearly.
It wasn't until then I realized I was making myself have these panic attacks.
- constant worry about the next panic attack
- projecting things that never happen
- imagining how things will turn out
- assume the worst
- think people are talking about me
- worried about what people think about me
- afraid to be seen
Those issue are just a few, so I went to work on myself.
The first thing I did was stop the worrying about the next panic attack. It took about 2 weeks of constantly monitoring my worry every time I would have a thought or start to have a thought of a panic attack I would reject that thought. While thinking about something positive. I also kept busy around the house.
That whole 2 weeks I didn't have a panic attack.
I stepped it up a notch. I started to answer the phone. I told myself if the phone rings don't even think about it just answer the phone. Who cares who's on the phone and what they want this is my phone.
Why should I be afraid to answer my own phone? That is what I kept telling myself then before I new it I was answering the phone without giving it any thought.
Projecting things that never happen. example: I would think my husband was going to say or do something in my mind and actually get angry at him then he never did whatever it was I talked myself into believing he will do so now I was getting angry for something he never did.
I found myself projecting or imagining how things are going to pan out, but they never pan out the way I thought they would. So I realized I had to stop trying to predict how things will turn out.
When I think people are talking about me. I tell myself, hey stupid of course they're talking about you. Because you're so special, they would be a bunch of idiots if they weren't talking about you.
See how I was changing my thoughts? Instead of lowering myself esteem I was boosting myself esteem up and believing in myself instead of worrying whether people were talking bad or good about me.
Afraid to be seen: example I babysit and I walk up to the bus stop to pick up the little girl I babysit, so sometimes I have to wait and people I know drive by which made me feel real uncomfortable.
I thought to myself why would I feel uncomfortable standing there waiting for the bus? So every time someone would look at me whether they new me or not.
I would wave at them and most of the time they waved back. Now when I wait for the bus I don't feel like I have to hide or distract myself so I won't feel embarrassed or ashamed to be at the bus stop.
Each issue had its own challenges every day I have to guard my thoughts this takes time and practice.
Today I actually enjoy doing the grocery shopping. I still have work to do everyday, but at least my life is slowly coming back. I am doing things with my friends and my life is changing for the better believe me I can relate to you!
You have to change your thinking and try new things and surround yourself with positive people.
I will also recommend staying away from caffeine and excessive drinking and take a walk around the block every evening along with eating comforting food like spaghetti this will help you feel content.