Hi you guys I found a really good recipe for stinging nettles. I know you don't like vegetables or anything healthy. Right? But you guy's like sex. Right?
Well stinging nettles are God sent for men because it seems that stinging nettles benefit men the most.
You can get stinging nettles in a pill form but picking stinging nettles then freezing them you can eat them all year round.
Well anyhow I wrote an article on how stinging nettles benefit your health and suggest picking your own, but what I forgot was telling you what to do with your stinging nettles after you pick them so here is a recipe.
Note: There are really great photo illustrations on this site so no excuses. Don't try to tell me you can't cook!
Zhenya’s Stinging Nettles - Amateur Gourmet
The Best Supplement for Men
In this article you will see how stinging nettles benefit your health.
How to Treat or Prevent Baldness
This article tells you how stinging nettles prevent balding and there is a video on there by Greene Deene that shows you how stinging nettle can be picked without getting stung and other info. That he shares. I recommend this article for all men.
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