Why you should not wear artificial fingernails?
Why you should not wear artificial fingernails? How to strengthen and stop biting your nails? Learn to have beautiful nails without going to a manicurist.Although artificial nails are beautiful they pose a lot of problems. Artificial nails damages your real nails. Artificial nails never strengthen your nails they do quite the opposite. Every time you or your manicurist removes and replace your artificial nails it takes layers of your fingernail off along with the artificial nails. Therefore you will never grow or strengthen your real nails!
You're always at risk for bacterial infection which some bacterial infections can be painful and cause you to lose your fingernails completely.
The cost and maintenance of artificial nails is out rage-us! If you already have artificial nails you know how often you have to maintain your nails. If you never had them you will find yourself either patching your own nails or you will be visiting the manicurist almost every week. That get costly!
Dangers of wearing artificial nails: While wearing fake nails you have to be extremely careful. While fake nails are very strong they are harder to break. This cause a problem because if the artificial nail refuses to break your real nail underneath breaks. If you're lucky your fake nail will break but in most cases the fake nail will resist the break while your real nail either breaks at the nail bed or your whole real nail peels off exposing your nail bed. Very painful! Takes a very long time for your nail to grow back sometimes the nail grows back deformed.
How to Grow Your Own Nails
Things You Will Need: Fiberglass strips found at most beauty supplies. Emery board, with a buffer on the other side, new clear fingernail polish and nail glue and last but not least small scissors. Follow the three simple steps to growing your own nails.
How to Repair a Split Fingernail
After you have followed the steps in the article "How to Grow Your Own Nails" your real nails will begin to grow and grow strong with in two weeks. This is when you should follow the steps in this article. "How to Repair a Split Fingernail" you will learn how to maintain your nails.
How to Quit Biting Your Nails
Find out myths about nail-biting. Find out why you should never bite your fingernails. Learn to stop biting your nails and how to grow beautiful healthy strong nails with little cost and little maintenance.
What Vitamins Promote Hair & Nail Growth?
In order to get your real nails to grow faster and longer you must eat properly. Most people are on the go and don't really eat properly so you should take vitamins. Taking vitamins for your nails will also benefit your hair. Hair is what is called soft keratin nails are hard keratin.
- What Vitamins Promote Hair & Nail Growth? | eHow.com
- What Vitamins Promote Hair & Nail Growth?. Everyone loves healthy, beautiful hair and strong nails. There are many ways to help hair and nails grow faster, stronger and healthier. One way to ensure that you will have beautiful hair and nails is to receive an adequate amount of vitamins.
- How to Repair a Split Fingernail | eHow.com
- How to Repair a Split Fingernail. This technique will allow you to fix artificial or real nails. The secret is to catch the split before the nail completely breaks. This repair is the best and the longest lasting repair. You will be amazed how long this repair will last you.
Nail Fashion and Product Reviews
Get an honest review on nail polish and nail art. Find out what is trending in the world of fashion.
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I'm sort of a tomboy so my nails always end up getting ripped off in painful ways (last time it was on a mechanical bull).
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